pineapples, one with sunglasses

My Word for 2024: UNABASHED

The Grammys happened a few days ago, and while I didn’t follow it super closely, I was curious to see who the winners were. Miley Cyrus won her first ever Grammy for her song, “Flowers.” (I am so unhip, I still have not actually listened to that song… but now I probably will.) This was a huge night for Miley, but you know what most people ended up focusing on? Making fun of her hairstyle. Now Miley is no stranger to unique fashion styles, and she frequently gets a lot of flack for it. But instead of changing herself to avoid criticism, she seems to lean even more into emphasizing her uniqueness. And you know what? I admire that.

As I began thinking about my word for 2024, and what kinds of things I wanted to accomplish this upcoming year, one word kept coming to my mind:


def. “not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed”
“boldly certain of one’s position”

synonyms: unapologetic, confident, proud

Merriam-Webster and

I chose this word for a few reasons. Over the last year I realized that there was a big part of me that was just trying to “fit in.” I didn’t want to be different, I wanted to blend in with the crowd, and be “like everybody else.”

Isn’t that embarrassing to admit? I thought I was beyond worrying about “being cool” since I’m in my late 30s, but obviously I wasn’t!

Last year I also began noticing people who were unapologetically themselves, and they seemed so happy. It began with my son’s ballet teacher. She does cosplay, and goes ALL OUT for her costumes! It seems like every week, her hair is dyed a different color. She has anime tattoos from her favorite anime show… oh, and she also doesn’t shave her armpits, and totally does not care! After taking my son to ballet week after week, I found myself thinking, “I want to be like her.”

The last 3 years were difficult ones for me – I had been going through grief and depression over infertility, which led to me dealing with a faith crisis and a lot of anger. Honestly, I didn’t feel like myself – or maybe I had forgotten who I really was. I finally just decided I was tired of feeling that way. I wanted to do things that made me happy, and some of those things are probably “weird,” but I didn’t want to feel ashamed about that.

This year, I want to not only accept that I may be unique and weird, I want to relish in that knowledge! I want others to see me, and to be inspired to love themselves as they are.

I want my son to know he does not need to “fit in” or try to be someone he’s not. And I know the most powerful way to get that across, is to be an example of that myself.

Will I risk being made fun of or getting criticized? Of course! That’s why it’s so hard to truly embrace yourself. Some people will love you for it, and some will hate you for it. Just ask Miley 🙂

Embrace Your Friend’s Stupid Mug Collection

Over the past few years, I’ve gotten a lot more interested in anime. It all started back in 2018 with Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, my gateway to all things anime so to speak, and then my interest hit its peak when I started watching My Hero Academia.

I fell way down the rabbit hole with My Hero Academia (MHA) – I have drunk the Kool-Aid and licked the cup clean. I love all the music in the show and listen to at least one MHA-related song almost daily. I have bought all the manga books available (in English) and am reading through them as they come out. I started collecting items like MHA T-shirts and socks, and Funko pop Izuku Midorias… I went to my first My Hero Academia convention this year and dressed up with my husband. And of course, to top it all off… I got my first tattoo earlier this year, which was My Hero Academia-related: Plus Ultra!

It is not an overstatement to stay that I am a bit obsessed. Otaku much?

I know that I’m pretty extra about My Hero, but I don’t care. I love it. I love how it inspires me, and who it makes me want to be each day. I love being true to myself.

I’ve also loved how others have been willing to accept me despite my obsession. It’s one thing to secretly love something that others might think is lame. It’s another thing for people to embrace it with you.

I will admit, I have some great friends. I have been gifted many My Hero memorabilia items from people simply because they know how much I love the show. I’ve received a Deku pez dispenser, a MHA tote bag, a “That’s not very plus ultra of you” patch, MHA Monopoly, and more. My friends know it’s my thing, and that it’s a part of me – and they accept it. They accept me.

I recently began watching a different anime: Sword Art Online. Wow – I had no idea so many people would have so many feelings about this show. I told a few other anime fans I was watching this show, and they were like, “it’s garbage.” I had just started the show, so I kept waiting for it to get lame. I kept waiting for the point to where I would go, “oh, okay, yeah this is dumb.” But it never came.

Granted, there were some weird things in the show (for example, someone having a crush on their first cousin) but nothing that I found to be a dealbreaker for me. And I’m sure that critically there are some aspects of the show that were not as well done as they could have been. But you know what? I still like the show. I’m currently on season 3. I was told that season 2 was where it would get “weird.” Season 2 was actually one of my favorite story arcs.

So, what does this mean? I initially had some guilt about enjoying Sword Art Online. Literally a guilty pleasure, I suppose. I finally had to get over it and embrace it – which was actually more about embracing myself. Why was I so ashamed to like something others thought was stupid?

Better question: why are we so antagonistic to people who like different things than us?

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Real inspiration from not-so-real Characters: My Hero Academia

You know how on YouTube when you are watching a video it usually defaults to “autoplay” so that when one video ends, it automatically starts playing something else? Many times I will go to YouTube to listen to music – a few months ago I was listening to music from Fullmetal Alchemist, and it began autoplaying some music from another anime show: “My Hero Academia.” I liked the music so much (from this show I had never watched), that I bought a few of the songs on iTunes (and yes, they were completely in Japanese) and began listening to them regularly.

Eventually, I decided that I wanted to watch the actual show, hoping that my love of the music would translate over the the show.

Fast-forward to now: Dean and I are on season 3 of My Hero Academia, and it is literally one of my favorite shows! I had been a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed Fullmetal Alchemist, seeing as I am semi-new to anime – but when it was over, I was ridiculously fan-girling the show, and even wanted to be Edward Elric for Halloween (which didn’t work out because, adult life is busy and lame and I didn’t have time to make my costume!)

So anyways, even though I didn’t think it was possible, I will say that I am now a bigger fan of My Hero Academia than I was of Fullmetal Alchemist.As Dean would say, I have “forsaken my first love.”
Sorry, Ed. Image result for sad edward elric gif

I think it is so interesting that one can gain so much inspiration from a fictional character, although this certainly isn’t a new phenomenon. I have always been a big fan of reading fiction, and I can easily get wrapped up in the lives of my favorite book characters. When I was in college, the last few Harry Potter books were just being released, and I was definitely on board the Harry Potter fan train (the Hogwarts Express, I suppose?) I remember one of my classmates talking about how she had gotten so wrapped up in the books, that during one of her prayers she had actually prayed for Harry, that God would keep him safe from Voldemort! Sometimes it’s easy to blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

The character that inspires me the most from My Hero Academia is, not surprisingly, the main protagonist: Izuku Midoriya. image (1)So, what is it about him that inspires me? I think he has some similarities to other characters I’ve admired, such as Hermione Granger and Edward Elric. But let’s talk more about Midoriya. P.S. – there may be some spoilers ahead for those who have not watched this series yet!

To give a bit of background to the character, Izuku Midoriya lives in a time where 80% of the population has what they call a “quirk,” or basically a power of some sort. Many people develop these quirks to become professional superheroes, and some go on to use their powers for evil and become super villains. Izuku as a young boy wanted more than anything to become a hero, but no quirk ever manifests itself. He gets made fun of and bullied by other kids because of his “quirkless-ness.” Later on however, as Midoriya is about to go into high school, a quirk manifests itself in a bit of an untraditional way. He gets accepted to UA High School where he gets a chance to become a pro super hero.

Okay, back to the question: What about Izuku Midoriya inspires me? I think we can be inspired either by things we feel are lacking in ourselves, or that we feel a sense of connection to. So basically: things we value and want to become, or things we already are. Here are 5 things I value about Midoriya’s character:

Hero Trait #1: Amazing Perseverance – Midoriya never gives up. Period. End of statement. Even if it means giving his life for someone else, he would rather do that than give up. He never fully gave up on his dream of becoming a hero, even when it ultimately looked like he would never develop a quirk. He didn’t let his failures or others kill his dream.

Hero Trait #2: Bravery – This is a trait I admire in others, probably because I feel lacking in it most of the time. I fear failure, looking incompetent, making mistakes… One of the biggest ways Midoriya exhibits bravery in the series is before he gets any powers, when he goes up against a super villain to save his friend’s life.

Hero Trait #3: Passion – This trait is the thread that combines all the others together. When you’re passionate about something, you usually give it your all and persevere at it. Maybe passion eventually transforms into a mission over time. Obviously, Midoriya is passionate about his dream, otherwise he wouldn’t risk so much to achieve it.

Hero Trait #4: Always Gives it His All – Midoriya will never finish a task and say to Image result for plus ultrahimself, “I should have tried harder.” He’s always trying the hardest he can at everything. That doesn’t mean he succeeds all the time, but he never has to wonder if he could have done better. The motto of U.A. High is “Plus Ultra” – which means pushing past your limits and going beyond what you think you’re capable of.

Hero Trait #5: Mission, Purpose and Moral Duty – Midoriya has an incredibly strong sense of mission and purpose in his life, and everything he does revolves around it. He wants to be a hero and help others. I have always thought it would be cool to know what my main mission in life was. I suppose as an aspiring follower of Jesus, it is (in a broad sense) to serve God. But more specifically, I still feel like I am finding out exactly what my calling in life is. Midoriya is also like the sweetest and most selfless person in the entire world, and is probably the most deserving person on the planet to become a hero. I keep telling myself that Calvin will be just like him when he gets older (right???)

What not-so-real characters have inspired you? Let us know in the comments!